Adrienne Dillard-Coons Drama School

At the Adrienne Dillard-Coons Drama School at Seattle Children's Theatre, education is a critical component of our mission, and SCT’s Education Department has been used as a model for theatres nationwide, and continues to inspire and influence the TYA field. 


*Scroll down to view camps and classes policies.

Camps & Classes

Welcome to the Adrienne Dillard-Coons Drama School at SCT! We offer camps and classes in the heart of Seattle with a focus on sparking creativity and imagination in your young person.

Partnership Camps

We have camps and classes with arts and education organizations across Seattle! Same great theatre experiences – at exciting locations near you.


Meet Our Teaching Artists

Our instructors are working educators and professional theatre artists across Washington, the USA, and even the world! SCT Teaching artists support your young person in finding their voice through our specialized curricula. Learn more about our faculty of top Seattle creatives below!

Education Programs Faculty

Financial Aid

SCT is committed to providing theatre and theatre education to all children regardless of a family’s financial situation. Because of this, we offer payment plans and need-based scholarships to our families. In addition, we offer Blue Star military and veteran discounts.




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